Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reality TV: Recession and Layoffs

Fox TV are in the process of making a new reality show that deals with laying people off. The plan is that for each week, a different small business will have to decide between which one of their employees to let go. The unnamed host, a business consultant, will assist the companies in their decision.

In these tough economic times, will there really be an audience for this show? Family, friends, coworkers, and even yourself may be subjected to possible layoff during the recession; SO, why would we want to see more of it on television besides the news?

(AP Photo/Beth A. Keiser)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marijuana Becoming Less Censored in our Society

Marijuana, another name for the plant Cannabis, has always face stiff censorship in society. Society morals dictate the usage of marijuana to be wrong, but our culture has decidedly chosen to promote and popularize it. The usage of marijuana is becoming more and more open rather than as a close-door DL(down-low) type of activity in our society.

Statistical Trend > Positive
The U.S Department of Justice’s statistics shows an increasing trend in marijuana usage. From 1992-2006, there has been an increase from 12% to 18% usage among high school seniors. Getting “crunk,” to be both high and drunk, has developed into the “it” weekend word for college and high school students.

Marijuana may never reach the prominence that it had during the “hippies” heyday of the past, but surely its presence is being felt now thanks to a number of factors.
- Marijuana is no longer taboo in media and faces less criticism for its roles
- Legalization of Cannabis
- Availability and accessibility increase
- Our role models smoke

Marijuana’s role in movies, music, and television continues to increase and is seen in a more open positive light compared to the past.

Musical Connections
Songs popularizing the use of marijuana have always been present in the past, but never have there been such an abundance, with many being hits. Lyrics with relations to marijuana today are popularized by famous artists such as Ludacris in the song Ultimate Satisfaction. The recent hit, I Love College by Asher Roth also promotes it with the line “drink my beer and smoke my weed.”

The Heroes are Smokers
Some ongoing TV series have you rooting for the protagonist who either sells, seen in Weeds, or use it regularly throughout the show as seen by Vince in Entourage. Both are highly viewed and acclaimed shows.

Hit comedies, such as the Harold & Kumar sequel and Pineapple Express, portray weed in a more friendly amusing light. Even the show Battlestar Galactica, currently on its fourth season, with no prior link to marijuana, had one of its main star light up a blunt (marijuana wrapped with cigar papers) and casually smoked it on one of its recent episodes.

TV and movies sends a message that smoking marijuana is a casual activity that is open and accepted in our society.

Illegal? Not in California!

Medicinal Marijuana is already legal in California and the legalization process is ongoing in Massachusetts. With the recession underway, economists are looking into the product of marijuana as a potential source for regulation and taxation; hence, more and more states legislatures are having discussions on the legalization of cannabis, despite the pressure that our society places on it to remain illegal. Legalizing marijuana, once taboo in political inner circles, is now a real topic for discussion.

Availability and Accessibility
Michael James**, a moderate marijuana user and Loyola University Student, says “I have multiple guys that I can pick up (buy) from.”

Small time (to fellow students) marijuana dealer Matt Jones**, who has only begun dealing several months ago, says “I get a number of new faces every week, people are always hooking (new connection with dealer through another person) others up with me.”

Asking around for marijuana sources have never been easier or more open. Long are the days of buying pot in a shady setting.

Even Athletes are Smoking!
Sport stars tend to be the ideal anti-smoke role models, because in order to excel at their respective sports, they must maintain their body’s peak conditions. Yet, many have fallen to marijuana imposing presence.

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins, after having one of his most productive years in the NFL, got fined for testing positive for marijuana. Instead of giving in to the NFL and join the substance-abuse program, he decided to retire early in order to not be restricted on smoking. NBA superstar Josh Howard of the Dallas Mavericks is also an admitted marijuana user.

Even our greatest hero of the recent Olympics, Michael Phelps, could not sway away from the pot ending in a big photo scandal. If a guy like Phelps smoke, who doesn’t then?

Regarding marijuana, many groups are trying to suppress its effects on society. On TV, we are often exposed to new and frequent anti-doping commercials from the government. Religion is also making a stand against pot with the Vatican’s 7 new deadly sins, one of which condemns drug users and pushers (marijuana dealers). In the classroom, we still have our coveted Drug Abuse Resistant Education (D.A.R.E.) program.

The increase in strong anti-marijuana resistance can only signify one thing, the truth that marijuana has indeed become prominent in our society.

(AP Photo/Alaska State Police)
(AP Photo/Gail Burton)